
Simple example of using random uniform generation.

import sys

from grammaropt.grammar import build_grammar
from grammaropt.grammar import as_str

from grammaropt.terminal_types import Int
from grammaropt.random import RandomWalker

rules = r"""
    S = (T "+" S) / (T "*" S) / (T "/" S) / T
    T = (po S pc) / ("sin" po S pc) / ("cos" po S pc) / ("exp" po S pc) / "x" / int
    po = "("
    pc = ")"

types = {'int': Int(1, 10)}
grammar = build_grammar(rules, types=types)

wl = RandomWalker(grammar=grammar, min_depth=1, max_depth=10)

for _ in range(10):
    expr = as_str(wl.terminals)

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

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